Untitled Folder
3.5" x 8" x 15"
Cork, wood, resin, acrylic paint, glue
reclaimed oli painting, acrlyic, paper mache, wood, tequila bottle stoppers, plexiglass, found wood and other media
64" x 62" x 31"
reclaimed oli painting, acrlyic, paper mache, wood, tequila bottle stoppers, plexiglass, found wood and other media
64" x 62" x 31"
reclaimed oli painting, acrlyic, paper mache, wood, tequila bottle stoppers, plexiglass, found wood and other media
64" x 62" x 31"
reclaimed oli painting, acrlyic, paper mache, wood, tequila bottle stoppers, plexiglass, found wood and other media
64" x 62" x 31"
reclaimed oli painting, acrlyic, paper mache, wood, tequila bottle stoppers, plexiglass, found wood and other media
64" x 62" x 31"
reclaimed oli painting, acrlyic, paper mache, wood, tequila bottle stoppers, plexiglass, found wood and other media
64" x 62" x 31"